
1,StackSize,一般小工程0X400足够,我们综合实验才设置0X1000就够用,所以默认无需设置太大。2,HeapSize,如果没有用到标准库的malloc,就是废物,纯属浪费 ...,Inoticedthatthestacksizesdisplayedinthetasklistdon'tmatchtheconfigurationsIset.Couldthisberelatedtomemoryalignment?,IamtryingtoovercomesomestrangeissueusingIARwhenstartingfreeRTOSthreadfrommain.Ihaveusedthefollowingexampleforusb.,Bysettingthet...


1,Stack Size,一般小工程0X400足够,我们综合实验才设置0X1000就够用,所以默认无需设置太大。 2,Heap Size,如果没有用到标准库的malloc,就是废物,纯属浪费 ...

Solved: freeRTOS stack size configuration

I noticed that the stack sizes displayed in the task list don't match the configurations I set. Could this be related to memory alignment?

Limitation of freeRTOS's stack size from main to maximum ~1480 bytes

I am trying to overcome some strange issue using IAR when starting freeRTOS thread from main. I have used the following example for usb.

How to make tasks and determine stack size in freeRTOS?

By setting the task size to the exact amount that the task is using, there is no room for stack growth for a just in case but do as you will.

Adequate stack size in FreeRTOS - General discussion

You can start with a stack size of say 128x5 words (not bytes, stack size is always specified in words) and then use a FreeRTOS aware debugger ...

Finding Max possible Task stack size - Kernel

This task needs more stack size. Initially, all tasks had a size of 1000. Application did better when this task size increased to 1800. Things got worse when a ...

Stack Size - Kernel

configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is basically a constant that defines the basic level of stack for a don't do much task. It handles initial ...

FreeRTOS task priority and stack size

I found that if two tasks have the same task priority, the two tasks work fine, but if they have different priority of task, the low task does not work.

How do you calculate the stack size when creating a task in RTOS ...

I wanted to know if there is a way to calculate the maximum possible stack size for a particular task. Also, is it a good idea to allocate more stack size ...